This year APRIS2023 is going to be held in hybrid style (on-site + online)!
APRIS2023 is a conference for Robot IoT Systems and related development and platform technologies in the Asia-Pacific region. One of the purposes of the conference is to encourage ongoing research activities, especially by young researchers, as well as to present solid technical achievements.
Based on this manner, we would like to accept not only technically solid papers but also papers that have the potential to be presented well at the conference. Even if a paper is not a report of completed work, we would like to accept the paper if it contains useful information.
As shown in the track list, we would like to accept not only the above topic but also basic Embedded System Design Techniques, Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), Middleware Edge, Cloud, Integration, Application User Interface Usability, moreover, Innovation Fields are appreciated. Also, this year, the Society5.0/Beyond 5G related topics for the special session will be welcome. The topic should be discussed in the session to connect the next research.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by APRIS2023 TPC members. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop post-proceedings and, if the authors prefer, in the IPSJ digital library.
Selected papers presented at APRIS2023 are welcome to submit their extended version (at least 50% new contents) to APRIS2023 special issue of ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT) which is indexed by SCOPUS.
Topics of papers include, but are not limited to:
Embedded System Design Techniques
- Paradigm Shift in Technology
- Requirement Definition and Analysis Methodology
- Development Process / Design Methodology / Description Language
- Development Environment / Tools / CASE Tools
- EDA Technology / Collaborative Design / Verification Techniques
- Programming Language / Compiler Techniques
- Low Power Consumption Technology / High-Reliability System Technology
- Verification / Testing Methodology / Debugging Methodology / Debugging Tools
- Performance Evaluation Techniques / Architecture / Processors, DSP
Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), Middleware Edge, Cloud, Integration
- Edge Computing System Technology
- IoT (Internet of Things) System Technology
- AI System Technology
- Network Technology, Communication Technology
- Distributed System Technology
- Security Technology
Applications, User Interface, Usability
- Media Processing and Recognition Technology
- Computer Graphics
- VR, AR, and Embedded Systems
- Automobile, ITS, Office Automation (OA) Devices, Consumer Electronics, etc.
Innovation Fields
- Application of Interdisciplinary Fields to Embedded Systems
- Neuro Robotics
- Affective Computing
- Application Fields of Sensors and Bioengineering in Embedded Systems
Education, Industry-Academia Collaboration
- Development Cases, New Application Fields
- Education, Teaching Materials, Curriculum
- Engineer Training / Skill Standards
- Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Related
Society5.0/Beyond 5G
Important Dates
A. Oral/Regular Paper (3-8 pages)
• Title/Abstract: August 24 → August 31→ September 14 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
• Paper submission: August 31 → September 7→September 21 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
B. Oral/Work-in-Progress Paper (1-2 pages)
• Title/Abstract: August 31 → September 7→ September 14 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
• Paper submission: September 7 → September 14→September 21 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
C. Poster(Interactive)/Short Paper (1-2 pages)
• Title/Abstract: August 31 → September 7→ September 14 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
• Paper submission: September 7 → September 14→September 21 (23:59AOE)(FIRM)
Option: The presenter of category A or B can present at the poster (interactive) session, too.
Instruction on Formatting Paper
Please see the following format policy very carefully. If a submitted paper does not satisfy the required paper format, it may be rejected without review.
Papers should be written in English. Papers must be prepared using one of the following format files.
• MS Word: Download here
• LaTeX: Download here
The submission paper should be converted to PDF format. The submission paper should include the author’s name, affiliations, title, abstract, figures, tables, references, and acknowledgments. The biography of the authors is not needed.
The length of the Oral/Regular paper should not exceed 8 pages, and Poster/Short, WIP paper should not exceed 2 pages. The authors should select the category of the paper in the submission system.